Motu News

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121 - 130 of 214 items Top Ten Reads

Motu researchers on the political benefits of destruction, Bill's datatopia, why meddling governments make you happy, the productivity gap, the Fed and fiscal policy, scaling the depths of bad puns, and more...

Bridging the gap between science and policy

In an ideal world, public policy would be grounded in evidence and research, drawing upon the best available knowledge from the disciplines of science, humanities and economics. In the real world, however, policy decisions are…

Suzi Kerr Interview in Asymmetric Information

The December 2016 issue of Asymmetric Info includes a long interview with Suzi Kerr by Lew Evans. They discuss how Suzi got into economics and how Motu began. Here... The issue also features an article on…

Government broadband investment policy and the ‘broadband productivity paradox’

Bronwyn Howell discusses Arthur Grimes's ultrafast broadband productivity paper at In 1987, scholar Robert Solow famously quipped that “you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics.” Since then, considerable academic effort…

Suzi Kerr on BBC World Business Matters

Business Matters is global business news, with live guests and contributions from Asia and the USA. Roger Hearing is joined by guests on opposite sides of the Pacific - Shikha Dalmia, Columnist at The Week…

The elusive productivity conundrum

Fairfax business columnist, Pattrick Smellie, just published this opinion piece:  Three recent publications have again thrown heat, if not much light, on New Zealand's apparently insoluble productivity problem. It seems that no matter what we do, our…

Taxpayers Union says Motu study shows UFB a waste of money: Study's findings rather more nuanced

The Taxpayers Union has seized on the findings of a study into the productivity benefits of the Ultra Fast Broadband network, saying it shows the $2b spent by the Government on the network was “money…

Ignore the naysayers: ultra-fast broadband is the best thing to happen to business since the arrival of electricity

Critics are seizing on a new report that says the Ultra Fast Broadband rollout has had no direct impact on business productivity. But those who dismiss the scheme as corporate welfare are missing the big…

Reducing carbon footprints this summer

New Zealand’s total emission rate has increased 23.2 percent since 1990, and makes up 0.2 percent of global emissions. A new online tool has been created that helps New Zealand households track and reduce their…

Blowing Bubbles: Six big ideas to smooth out the boom and bust housing cycle

Stuff is doing a big feature on the housing market and has asked various people their ideas for fixing the 'housing bubble'. Motu's Arthur Grimes is quoted alongside the National and Labour parties, the Reserve…