Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

61 - 70 of 158 items

Climate Change Legislation Reform a Complex Tango

Commentary on Tranche Two Decisions on the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme  by Catherine Leining Reforming New Zealand’s climate change legislation is a complex tango. Where the Zero Carbon Amendment Bill leads, NZ ETS amendments must follow.…

Pacific migrants just as likely to be employed as other migrants, but lower paid

Three years after arriving in New Zealand, 95 percent of Pacific migrants were either very satisfied or satisfied with New Zealand. Isabelle Sin, Senior Fellow at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, researched a group of…

Local growth - it’s complex!

Current European regional policy promotes “smart specialisation” by encouraging regions to expand into activities that “build on local strengths.” Smart specialisation rests upon the idea that bringing together people with complementary skills helps them generate…

New WHO housing and health guidelines could save millions each year

Preventable injuries and hospitalisations due solely to poor housing conditions in New Zealand could be costing more than $145 million annually in ACC claims and hospitalisation costs, according to new research. A Fellow at Motu Economic…

John McDermott announced as Motu Executive Director

Motu Economic and Public Policy Research is thrilled to announce the appointment of our new Executive Director. Dr John McDermott is well known in New Zealand and internationally as a macroeconomist. He is currently Assistant…

How much can changing the way we use land fight climate change?

New research from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research looks at whether New Zealand can change the way we use land to achieve our emissions target in the lowest cost way. Under the Paris Agreement,…

Drought under climate change: what do New Zealanders need to know now?

A new report by the Deep South Challenge: Changing with our Climate, explores what we need to know now, in order to adapt to the drought conditions likely under future climate change. The report was produced…

New Zealand’s top towns to live and work

A new study from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research for the Building Better Homes, Towns, and Cities (BBHTC) National Science Challenge uses a deep-dive analysis of census rent and wage data to compile quality of life…

Translating books: New evidence on the global diffusion of knowledge

Developing countries, which stand to benefit most from foreign knowledge, are the least able to access it. That's one of the findings of new research that uses book translations to examine how physical and cultural…

Prestigious Prize for Top Economic Student

Motu is pleased to announce the top economics tertiary student for 2018 is Nicolas Adams from the University of Canterbury, who has won this year’s Sir Frank Holmes Prize. The prize recognises Sir Frank Holmes as…