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Making a donation to Motu Research is an investment in the productivity and sustainability of Aotearoa New Zealand, and in the well-being of our people. The structure of our charitable trust enables tax deductible donations.
Public policy in a democracy is built on a complex base of political forces, judgement and ideology. Scientific, economic research should form the basis of decision-making in order for policy to improve New Zealanders’ long-term well-being.
Motu Research fills a vital and distinctive niche providing independent, rigorous, and policy-focused research in an Aotearoa context. It offers distinctive blend of world-class research, policy analysis, mentoring and capacity building, uncompromised by ideology or political position.
It is vital for research to be freely available and widely debated. Motu Research is committed to independence and transparency. Our policy of publishing all findings without fear or favour fosters good policy and an advantageous result for the country as a whole.
If Motu Research is not well-resourced, New Zealand is missing a critical component in the machinery of public debate and decision making.
Level 1, 97 Cuba Street, PO Box 24390
Wellington 6142, New Zealand
Phone: 64 4 939 4250