Innovation is a major driver of productivity improvements and scientific research is one source of innovation.
Motu's Senior Associate, Adam Jaffe, is working with MBIE and several research organisations on a framework that can evaluate the economic and broader social benefits of publicly funded research. He also also examines the effectiveness of different funding mechanisms for scientific research.
You can watch a video of Adam talking about Re-inventing the Kiwi: How to make New Zealand a land of innovation at The University of Auckland's Business School.
Motu’s current and recent research in science and innovation policy includes:
Authors: Adam Jaffe | Ben Davies | Jason Gush | Shaun C. Hendy
We analyse whether research funding contests promote co-authorship. Our analysis combines Scopus publication records with data on applications to the Marsden Fund, the premiere source of funding for basic research in New Zealand. On average,…
Author: Adam Jaffe
Adam Jaffe presented on the ‘Science of Science Policy’ at a Motu Public Policy Series lecture. This presentation was later expanded into a New Zealand Science Review article. In particular, the presentation examined:
Policy goals
Policy levers
Authors: Adam Jaffe | Dom White | Kate Preston
Research has its ‘stars’.
Stardom waxes and wanes, but
stars don’t often leave.
‘Star’ researchers—those who produce the most influential research outputs—have been shown to play an important role in the overall impact of a country’s…
Authors: Adam Jaffe | Kate Preston
Look at New Zealand science.
Good but not stellar.
Bibliometric databases on publications and their citations offer the possibility to quantify the scale and impact of this key output of scientific research. But there…
Author: Adam Jaffe
In OECD countries, much science funding is allocated via competitive mechanisms. Competitive funding schemes are widely favoured for being the optimal method for not only evaluating but also encouraging scientific excellence, in a process that…
Author: Adam Jaffe
This is Adam Jaffe's presentation to the NZAS Conference.
Funders of research have an obligation to measure and seek to maximize the effectiveness of their programmes in terms of their public objectives. While advancement of science is…
Authors: Adam Jaffe | Athene Laws | Victoria Larsen | Jason Gush
Working Paper
We should fund research.
But trying to choose the best
Doesn’t work too well.
The Marsden Fund is the premiere funding mechanism for blue skies research in New Zealand. In 2014, $56 million was awarded to…
Author: Adam Jaffe
There’s controversy around the exact timetable, but general agreement that, over approximately the next 4 decades, GHG emissions have to be drastically reduced.
If we succeed, it is very likely that major components of the 2050…
Authors: Adam Jaffe | Bronwyn H Hall
An “indicator” is a set of facts or observations that tells us something meaningful about the underlying phenomenon of interest, in this case science, technology and innovation (henceforth STI). In order to evaluate whether a particular set…
Author: Adam Jaffe
Economic theory predicts that policies that discourage the consumption of a particular good will induce innovation in a socially desirable substitute. However, the literature on technology trajectories emphasizes the possibility of innovation waves associated with…
Author: Adam Jaffe
The phenomenon of “spillovers” of R&D means that small countries can benefit from the research and innovation investment of larger countries, but also need a strategy for capturing locally the benefits of local research and…
Authors: Steven Stillman | Robin Johnson | Weshah Razzak
We use panel data for nine industries to evaluate research and development (R&D) investments in New Zealand over the past forty years.
We estimate the impact of R&D stocks in a particular industry on output per…
Author: Adam Jaffe
There is a strong foundation in theoretical and empirical research in economics for the proposition that efficient climate policy must include both carbon-price policy and technology policy. Even the most modest projections of Greenhouse Gas…
Author: Adam Jaffe
The "Science of Science Policy" is an interdisciplinary field of scholarly study that seeks to model, measure, and evaluate the interaction of public policies (including funding) and the performance of the science and innovation system.
Authors: Arthur Grimes | Richard Fabling | Ron Crawford | Nick Bonne
We analyse patterns of national R&D and patenting activity across developed countries, accounting for factors that may impact on small, distant countries.
Once we control for the effects of economic size, distance, sectoral composition and firm…
Author: Adam Jaffe
“Science and innovation have crucial roles in achieving high-quality economic, social and environmental outcomes for New Zealand.” Draft National Statement of Science Investment Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment May 2014
Author: Adam Jaffe
Adam Jaffe presented this talk to the Open Access and Research Conference at Queensland University of Technoloyg in 2013. In it he discussed:
Copyright protects expression, Patent protects functionality
Hence open access will not, cannot, allow “use” in functional…
Author: Adam Jaffe
Adam Jaffe gave the Keynote Address to the Asia Pacific Innovation Conference in Taiwan in 2013. He concentrated on spillovers, the good news and bad news for small countries:
Agglomeration and innovation
Research investment in small dollops
Business R&D…
Author: Adam Jaffe
Developing the "Science of Science Policy" will require data collection and analysis related to the processes of innovation and technological change, and the effects of government policy on those processes.
There has been much work on…
Authors: Adam Jaffe | Isabelle Sin | Corey Allan
This paper surveys the existing literature on diffusion of environmentally beneficial technology. Overall, it confirms many of the lessons of the larger literature on technology diffusion:
diffusion often appears slow when viewed from the outside;
the flow…
Authors: Adam Jaffe | Isabelle Sin | Corey Allan
Working Paper
This paper surveys the existing literature on diffusion of environmentally beneficial technology.
Overall, it confirms many of the lessons of the larger literature on technology diffusion:
diffusion often appears slow when viewed from the outside;
the flow of…
Author: Adam Jaffe
Many public entities are interested in empirical estimation of the overall impact, in terms of benefits to citizens, of publicly funded research. These include:
increased incomes,
better health,
cleaner environment,
enhancement of social and cultural values, and
any other benefit…
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