Our Research

Firm productivity and performance

Motu studies the sources of productivity improvement and examines performance in business organisations. We are currently focused on examining the determinants of variations in firm performance.

We have been funded for this work under the “Productivity Hub” (Productivity Commission, Treasury, MBIE and Statistics NZ) for a research partnership using the Longitudinal Business Database, looking at the relationships among R&D, innovation, market power and firm performance. Work under the auspices of Te Pūnaha Matatini examines patterns of firm productivity across geographic regions.

Our research focus

Motu’s current and recent research in firm productivity and performance includes:

  • Patterns of productivity across different kinds of construction firms in New Zealand.
  • Examining how firm productivity varies within and between New Zealand regions.
  • Mapping the innovation system of New Zealand using methods from network analysis, and testing how the properties of the NZ innovation network affect the performance of firms and people in New Zealand.
